KB-60608 AMD Graphics failures on 2011 Macbook Pros
This article explains the problems with AMD graphics on some 2011 Macbook Pro models and the methods to resolve the issue
Key Notes
- The dedicated AMD graphics chips in 2011 Macbook Pro devices is badly designed - overheating and poor soldering can mean that the chip failes much sooner than should be expected
- If the chip is faulty or failing, graphical artifacts can occur on the screen. It also common for the system to be unable to boot
- The integrated graphics in the Intel CPU is unaffected, so by disabling the AMD chip and forcing the system to use integrated graphics, the system can work again
- The easiest way to do this is by disabling the AMD GPU using NVRAM variables
Unfortunately, the AMD graphics chips in 2011 Macbook Pro models are problematic, as they fail much more often than they should. A failed (or failing) GPU will result in graphics issues and can also prevent the system from booting into an operating system.
While the failed GPU chip can be replaced with another one, this cannot be relied upon as replacement chips will be succesptible to the same issue. Additionally, replacing the chip is extremely expensive and normally costs more than the entire system
An alternative is to disable the AMD GPU, so that the system only uses the integrated Intel graphics present on the CPU. This lowers graphics performance, however enables the system to be useable again and will prevent the problem from resurfacing
Disabling the AMD GPU can be done using methods such as this, this or this. Generally a software solution is preferred as it can be reversed, should that be wanted.
Because the variable to disable the GPU is stored in NVRAM, resetting the NVRAM can re-enable the GPU.